Flitejob refund policy

At www.flitejob.com  we are providing services of non-tangible irrevocable goods, in general we wanted to have highest possible customer satisfaction.
You have option  to subscribes for free subscription for our job posting product up to 3 job posting, to see the suitability of the software.    Therefore in general, we do not issue refunds once the order is accomplished and the services or product is delivered.
As a client or customer you are responsible for understanding this upon purchasing any item at www.flitejob.com
However we do understand that very rare exceptional circumstance can take place with regard to the character of the product we supply.
We DO honor your refund for the following exceptional reasons:Our Administrative and Technical Support Team is always keen to assist you and deliver highly professional support in a timely manner. Thank you for purchasing our products.

Contact Us http://flitejob.com/contact/

Please allow up to 24 hours for our Support Team to get back to you on the problem.

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